The stresses of work and everyday life can be a lot to handle sometimes, with the majority of Australians believing stress impacts both their physical and mental health. As an employer, it’s important to not only support your employees' financial and physical wellbeing, but their emotional wellbeing too.
At Northern Rivers Coaching and Counselling, we are working with more than 20 years of industry experience. Our team is ready to provide psychological and counselling support, as well as career counselling, business coaching and mental health services.
Backed by clinical training and registrations, our team is fully qualified to provide this important and confidential service to your employees. We have significant counselling experience, covering a wide range of workplace related issues, as well as more personal challenges impacting the person's ability to function at work.
An Employee Assistance Program or EAP, is designed to help your employees deal with personal problems that might adversely impact their performance at work. Our team's EAP support solution is available to all employees who wish to use the service and can be completely anonymous for added peace of mind. EAP sessions can also support your employees’ immediate family, and generally include an initial assessment, short term counselling and referrals where necessary.
A 1 hour session with one of our team members can be held face to face at a location convenient to you, or online via video conferencing software. It’s important for employees to feel comfortable during their EAP session, so our team is happy to schedule sessions based on individual preferences.
Sometimes, talking to someone objectively can help you to clarify problems and decide on solutions. Our team is made up of registered counsellors and psychologists with significant workplace experience, and we are able to offer you a confidential, professional and compassionate service in our sessions with you.
Contact Northern Rivers Coaching and Counselling today to find out more about EAP support for your employees.